The impact of the Trump Executive Order On Immigration: an interview with Jennifer Foy

[Note:  Read here my interview with Marlene Myers, NC State Refugee Coordinator. These posts are part of my continuing research on local aid workers.] UPDATE:  The situation regarding the Executive Order On Immigration remains extraordinarily fluid on many fronts.  Wednesday World Vision issued a press release that was published as a full page ad in the Washington Post. The title, “Evangelical Leaders from All 50 States Urge President Trump to Reconsider Reduction in Refugee Resettlment” says it all. The impact of the Trump Executive Order On Immigration:  an interview with aid worker Jennifer Foy One basic sociological truism is that everything is connected to everything else, and, increasingly, what happens in one part of the world has ripple effects around the globe. The bigger the stone, the more far reaching the ripples.  Impact meant for a contained target almost certainly has ramifications far beyond the prime intent. And then came President Trump adding a whole new dimension of … Continue reading The impact of the Trump Executive Order On Immigration: an interview with Jennifer Foy